One Advanced & Integra NG

One Advanced

Over the past 5 years I have worked with clients implementing products from the One Advanced product group. I have a fantastic working relationship with the team at One Advance and have actively worked with them on improving issues and client relationships.

Integra NG - Implementation

I have worked with One Advanced and their customers, with a focus on their Charity and Membership platform called Integra NG. This product can be difficult for customers to implement as an off the shelf product which is highly customisable to the clients business need, and without knowledge of how the system works, and how to get the best out of the relationship with Advanced can often run over budget.

I have been fortuante to gain the experience required to not only assist in the relationship management with Advanced, but I am highly skilled and experienced in providing technical resource for the implementation process, helping to reduce costs and timescales.

Integra NG - Integration

Integra NG is a powerful tool that can be integrated to many 3rd Party systems. Some of these can come from Advanced to assist in the customisation process, such as codeless taskcentre. However, there are many benefits to having a fully integrated customer portal within the membership and education sectors.

Whether you are looking for ways to improve your customer experience, reduce back office processes or a combination of both, there are likely to be many improvements available to you.

Check out one of my recent integration projects here:

Association of British Dispensing Opticians.

Integra NG - Maintenance & Improvement

Once your project is completed, it is often the case there are lists of 'Blue Sky' ideas that the business has included as part of the project. It is important that systems, websites and apps are not allowed to stagnate and continue to move with the business. If you have a change or improvement you want to implement, I am happy to discuss the best and most effective way to implement this without causing disruption to your business as usual operating.

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